The Best Diet You’ve Never Heard Of

At last count, there were somewhere near 40,000 physical books on Diet and Exercise listed on Amazon. 40,000 books that claim to have found the magic bullet for getting it right this time, for losing weight and keeping it off. They come in a wide variety, with widely divergent tips and tricks for shedding those unwanted pounds. Eat less, eat more, eat carbs, avoid carbs, lots of meat, no meat at all, there’s a title to fit just about every idea out there for losing weight or maintaining a healthy body. (No kidding, I just looked, and there are sleep diets, vinegar diets, and yes, you’re reading this right, a diet based on eating cookies. Yum!)

So what’s a person to do? Who’s telling the truth? Why am I fat, and what should I do? Am I just lazy? Do I suffer from lack of self-control? Why is it the bigger I get, the bigger I get? What can I do about the cravings? And why are there 40,000 books claiming the secret, with new ones coming out every day?

These are just a few of the questions we’ll be talking about in this blog. My aim is to present you with some compelling evidence, along with helpful hints and little-known skills that will help you to at least understand how weight gains and losses work, and at best help you to shed the pounds and keep them off. If you decide to implement them, you should know that they’re not hard concepts, and they’re really not hard to put into practice. I’m sure you’ve heard that before, but stick around, you’ll see.

Before we go any further, you should know that I’m a fan of meat, but for good reason. If you don’t like the meat thing, I think you can still learn a lot here, including how to implement this diet anyway, so don’t worry. Also, I like food in general, so I’m a client as well as the author, and I’ve got some changing to do. Information is power, though, and there seems to be a lot to wade through. I think you’ll see that I’ve uncovered some real gems, some of them controversial, but none of them without substance.

Anyway, I invite you to come with me a little way, check this stuff out for yourself. I’ll post some excellent recipes from time to time, along with posts that have to deal with the subject matter. Hope you enjoy.

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